Long time no see!

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hello little blog, you are indeed quite neglected! 
It is probably mainly due to the fact that this blog is mainly functioning for myself to act as a diary over what happens in my riding, and with Annie's and my relationship. My other blog is for the family to stay connected, and that is indeed a more important task, so this self-serving blog plays second fiddle for sure...
Anyways- since last blog post in December of 2018, a LOT has changed and fortunately for the better!
For one thing the infrastructure of our place has improved; we now truly have an arena! A  level, rectangular, 180 x 100 feet area which is drained and with great footing in all weathers but snow. And the latest addition, which in part stimulated me to this blog post, is a new little runaround trailer that makes both my hubby and myself silly with pleasure. 
For the riding we keep working with Davalee as our instructor. She is absolutely amazing and the reason we are improving. Our liberty work admittedly stalled a little when it became clear Annie did not feel it necessary to keep an eye on me as focused as she needs to. We have tried to remedy during this spring of 2020 but the "baby lunging" never really worked as intended. So last week we started ALL over with a cue  for turning her head around to look at me, and yesterday we progressed from that to looking AND moving hind end. First in a pivoting movement and then during forwards motion. This needs a LOT more practice though!
Under saddle we are now working to get better impulsion and form. This is truly exciting because it took 2 years to develop a relationship of trust, and as a result less anxiety, and as a result better speed regulation and more communication...and so it goes on and on...One particular exercise has recently made us lift up to the next level; a bending/form exercise (Bend together with collection). It started with walking in a square pattern with each corner formed by a take on outer rein, and a que with inside leg. This should result in a rib cage bending and outer shoulder restraint on annie. And at first it did...not...Now it does and it has changed our world! Our bend is much improved as we moved the same exercise to the circle, and the added shoulder control suddenly gave us a counter-flexion worth the name! In addition the tendency to go on the forehand is thankfully gone too. An incredibly useful exercise indeed!
Yesterday's practice ended with homework of: Putting out cones in a circular pattern and practice transitions. In particular the transition from a lower longer free jog to the more elevated, more impulsion working jog needs improvement. Currently it can take many steps to make that transition and Davalee gave me orders in no uncertain terms that we need to be able to transit from the posting jog to the sitting (working) jog much more defined. Thus the cones -because they will mark where the transition ought to occur so I stop being sloppy about it. In the lope I am working also on transitions, but now between leads. Thankfully our departures are much much improved and correct leads are at least 90% of them, even if we occasionally still can get a wrong lead. The lead transitions are in a figure 8 pattern with lope right lead, walk, left lead, walk etc. Davalee recommended to work on switching it up so anticipation does not become a problem and for me to work on not shifting forward during departure. According to her we are at a point where we ought to be able to make a lead departure invisible to the eye of the observer. Can you tell she has ramped up her expectations :)
Otherwise things are really coming together. Annie stands still for saddling, and gone are the difficut\lties with bridling we had a few years ago. The latest improvement is in the lifting of hooves on command. That and the ability to drag that darn sack that was a big bugaboo forever are probably the easiest things to demonstrate improvement. 
Now this is too long but I at least think I remember most of our home work. We have another lesson already next week so this weekend we need PRACTICE. Fun!
Pictures of my cute mule in our cute trailer!
Sorry about the poop but that is what mules and horses do as soon as they are loaded. Go figure?!
Here it is in all its glory!
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